Add (Node)
Insert molecules into a box
Here you can find a list of all available node types for use in procedures.
Insert molecules into a box
Add molecules to a box, positioning them on the surface of a sphere
Insert correlated molecule pair into a box
Define / create a unit cell
Generate a population of molecules from a Species
Copy a configuration
Constructs a custom region according to a specified equation
Create a cylindrical global potential affecting all atoms
Constructs a cylindrical region
Constructs a general region
Import coordinates into a configuration
Store numerical reference parameters
Pick species molecules from anywhere inside a box
Pick species molecules near to other molecules
Pick species molecules from a specific region
Create a discretized global potential affecting all atoms
Remove molecules from a box
Apply simple restraint potentials to individual atoms
Rotate fragment sites about their local axes
Select a list of pre-defined sites on molecules
Apply a size factor to a configuration
Create a spherical, global potential affecting all atoms
Set the temperature of the configuration
Transmute molecules in a selection into another species