
Three-dimensional data import/export

Known Formats

Keyword Import Export Description
block Single-column block data format, with values in slices along $y$ written sequentially, and slices separated with a blank line.
cartesian Cartesian data format with “X Y Z f(X,Y,Z)” provided one set per line. These points are mapped to the appropriate bin on the $x$, $y$, and $z$ axes specified by the XAxis, YAxis, and ZAxis options which must be supplied.
pdens File following the format of output from the pdens program of dlputils.



Keyword Arguments Default Description
XAxis $x_{min}$
Min, max, and delta to assume for x axis
YAxis $y_{min}$
Min, max, and delta to assume for y axis
ZAxis $z_{min}$
Min, max, and delta to assume for z axis