Accumulate (Module)

Accumulate (average) g(r) and S(Q) partial


The Accumulate takes radial distribution function or structure factor data from a correlation module (such as RDF or NeutronSQ ) and accumulates an online average. As such it can be used to form a smoothed set of partials (and their total) for further analysis, saving to plot in production-quality graphs etc.

The averaging performed by the Accumulation module differs from that performed in the correlation modules themselves - there, the average is a moving average, with N sets of partials stored in memory or in the restart file. Much like the various Calculate modules, the Accumulation module forms an online average with no history.

A target module containing partial set data must be provided, along with the type of target data to accumulate (since in the case of the NeutronSQ , for instance, both g(r) and S(Q) partial sets are generated).



Keyword Arguments Default Description
Data Module


Name of the source module(s) from which to take partial set data to accumulate. If multiple modules are specified then each is accumulated separately, rather than them all being accumulated into one final dataset.
Target `RDF SQ OriginalRDF`


Keyword Arguments Default Description
Export bool false Whether to save accumulated partials to disk after calculation. A separate file is written for each individual atomic partial between types $i$ and $j$, as well as the summed total.
Last modified March 10, 2023: Web docs styling (#1350) (43924dc)