Collect3D (Node)

Accumulate a 3D histogram
Context Analysis
Name Required? Yes
Branches SubCollect


The Collect3D node is used to accumulate a histogram over three dimensions, using values extracted from three Calculate-style nodes.


Where the Calculate* nodes are responsible for calculating quantities, the Collect* nodes are responsible for accumulating averages, typically in histogram format.

Collect3D accumulates a histogram over three dimensions using target values taken from two Calculate* nodes, over a specified range and binwidth for each dimension. The values are treated as a triplet giving the {x,y,z} coordinate to bin in the histogram. No post-processing (e.g. normalisation) is performed by Collect3D - see the Process3D for processing options.


The Collect* nodes all have a branch (accessed through the hidden SubCollect keyword) which is executed if the value is successfully binned (i.e. is within all ranges specified).



Keyword Arguments Default Description
QuantityX name


The calculated observable to use for the x axis. The named node must be one of the Calculate* nodes. The index specifies which value to take from multi-dimensional observables, starting from zero for the first. If not specified, index` defaults to zero.
QuantityY name


The calculated observable to use for the y axis. The named node must be one of the Calculate* nodes. The index specifies which value to take from multi-dimensional observables, starting from zero for the first. If not specified, index` defaults to zero.
QuantityZ name


The calculated observable to use for the z axis. The named node must be one of the Calculate* nodes. The index specifies which value to take from multi-dimensional observables, starting from zero for the first. If not specified, index` defaults to zero.
RangeX min
Defines the range and binwidth of the x-axis of the histogram.
RangeY min
Defines the range and binwidth of the y-axis of the histogram.
RangeZ min
Defines the range and binwidth of the z-axis of the histogram.
Last modified March 10, 2023: Web docs styling (#1350) (43924dc)