Collect2D (Node)

Accumulate a 2D histogram
Context Analysis
Name Required? Yes
Branches SubCollect


The Collect2D node is used to accumulate a histogram over two dimensions, using values extracted from two Calculate-style nodes.


Where the Calculate* nodes are responsible for calculating quantities, the Collect* nodes are responsible for accumulating averages, typically in histogram format.

Collect2D accumulates a histogram over two dimensions using target values taken from two Calculate* nodes, over a specified range and binwidth for each dimension. The values are treated as a pair giving the {x,y} coordinate to bin in the histogram. No post-processing (e.g. normalisation) is performed by Collect2D - see the Process2D for processing options.


The Collect* nodes all have a branch (accessed through the hidden SubCollect keyword) which is executed if the value is successfully binned (i.e. is within all ranges specified).


Quantities / Ranges

Keyword Arguments Default Description
QuantityX name


The calculated observable to use for the x axis. The named node must be one of the Calculate* nodes. The index specifies which value to take from multi-dimensional observables, starting from zero for the first. If not specified, index` defaults to zero.
QuantityY name


The calculated observable to use for the y axis. The named node must be one of the Calculate* nodes. The index specifies which value to take from multi-dimensional observables, starting from zero for the first. If not specified, index` defaults to zero.
RangeX min
Defines the range and binwidth of the x-axis of the histogram.
RangeY min
Defines the range and binwidth of the y-axis of the histogram.
Last modified March 28, 2023: Update Examples 2023 (#1379) (0b33faf6b)