Step 4 - RDF and Structure Factors

Let’s create our correlation layer:

Layer ⇨ Create ⇨ Correlations ⇨ RDF and Neutron S(Q)

Recall that our ImportTrajectory module is running every iteration, so our correlation calculation layer needs to do the same:

Go to the   G(r) / Neutron S(Q)   layer tab

Change the frequency in the Layer Control at the top-left of the tab from 5 to 1

Let’s do a quick, single iteration to make sure everything is working as expected:


What will have happened in this iteration is that a single frame will have been read in from the trajectory into the configuration and, if we’ve got everything else set up correctly, from which some sensible-looking radial distribution functions and (neutron-weighted) structure factors will have been calculated.

Go to the NeutronSQ module and open its Output tab

The total F(Q) should look like this:

Total neutron-weighted structure factor from the first frame of the reference trajectory

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Last modified April 23, 2024: Update release notes. (70ff745)