Bragg (Module)

Calculate Bragg reflection data


The Bragg module calculates the Bragg reflections over a specified Q-range, storing the intensities for use by other modules (e.g. SQ).


Basic Theory

Work in Progress

Instrumental Broadening

The Bragg module does not handle broadening of the calculated reflections into “observed” peak structures - this is handled by the module referencing the reflection data.



Keyword Arguments Default Description
Configuration Configuration


Target configuration on which to operate.


Keyword Arguments Default Description
QDelta qdelta 0.01 Resolution (bin width) in Q to use when detecting reflections.
QMax qmax 30.0 $Q_{max}$ limit for reflection calculation. Any reflections at $Q$ values above this value will be ignored.
QMin qmin 0.01 $Q_{min}$ limit for reflection calculation. Any reflections at $Q$ values below this value will be ignored.
Multiplicity h
Multiplicities of the unit cell in the target configuration. If the target configuration represents a single unit cell, the default of [1 1 1] should be used. If it is a 2x2x2 supercell, for instance, then the multiplicity should be set to [2 2 2]. Failing to set the multiplicity correctly will result in incorrect intensities in the calculated reflections.


Keyword Arguments Default Description
Averaging int 5 Number of historical datasets to combine into final reflections
AveragingScheme AveragingScheme Linear Weighting scheme to use when averaging data


Keyword Arguments Default Description
SaveReflections bool false Whether to save Bragg reflection data to disk after calculation. A separate file containing Q values and raw intensities is written for each individual atomic partial between types $i$ and $j$.
Last modified April 23, 2024: Update release notes. (70ff745)