Step 3 - Set up a Configuration

To create our silica configuration we’ll use the “relative random mix” generator as a basis.

Configuration ⇨ Create…

Choose both species and press Next

Leave the configuration type as Mixture and press Next

Leave the box style as Fixed Geometry, Undefined Size but set the angle γ to 120 degrees (this will give us a monoclinic box) and press Next

Now we need to set up a relative mix of our two species:

In the table change the Population / Ratio of oxygen from 1 to 2

Set the Density of the box to 0.066 - note that this is in units of atoms Å-3

Set the Multiplier to 1500

Press Finish to complete the wizard.

Double-click on the configuration tab’s title and change its name to Bulk

Note that We use units of atoms Å-3 here as this allows us to add both atomic components using the same density value. If we had chosen units of g cm-3 we would have to know the individual densities of silicon and oxygen in amorphous silica. Anyway, if you zoom the viewer out (mouse wheel) then you should then see a monoclinic box of silica!

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Last modified April 23, 2024: Update release notes. (70ff745)