CustomRegion (Node)

Constructs a custom region according to a specified equation


The CustomRegion node generates a region defined by an arbitrary equation.


The CustomRegion node assesses each voxel of the current box against a provided Expression and some defined “acceptable” numerical limits on the result of that expression. The real and reciprocal space coordinates of each voxel centroid are set in local variables on the node, and which can be accessed in the Expression in order to enter them into the equation.

Local Variables

The node sets the following local variables:

Parameter Description
x The x coordinate of the current voxel centroid being assessed
xFrac The fractional x coordinate of the current voxel centroid being assessed
y The y coordinate of the current voxel centroid being assessed
yFrac The fractional y coordinate of the current voxel centroid being assessed
z The z coordinate of the current voxel centroid being assessed
zFrac The fractional z coordinate of the current voxel centroid being assessed



Keyword Arguments Default Description
Expression Expression Expression to evaluate per-voxel
Maximum double 1.0 Maximum value of the expression value to accept as representing a valid voxel
Minimum double 0.0 Minimum value of the expression value to accept as representing a valid voxel


Keyword Arguments Default Description
VoxelSize double 1.0 Cubic voxel length to use when partitioning space. A smaller voxel size gives a more fine-grained region, at the expense of memory and speed.
Invert bool false Invert the logic used to determine free space in the region.
Last modified November 27, 2024: docs: Updated for 1.6 release (#2000) (8cbaf4e5f)