Add (Node)
Insert molecules into a box
Here you can find a list of all available node types for use in procedures.
Insert molecules into a box
Insert correlated molecule pair into a box
Calculate angle between three sites
Calculate angle between axes on two oriented sites
Define / create a unit cell
Calculate distance between two sites
Calculate distance between two sites
Calculate a vector between two sites
Accumulate a 1D histogram
Accumulate a 2D histogram
Accumulate a 3D histogram
Generate a population of molecules from a Species
Copy a configuration
Constructs a custom region according to a specified equation
Constructs a cylindrical region
Create a directional global potential affecting all atoms
Constructs a general region
Import coordinates into a configuration
Accumulate a 1D histogram of explicit integer values
Perform integration on 1D data
Perform division on numerical data
Apply an expression to numerical data
Perform multiplication of numerical data
Perform normalisation of numerical data
Normalise data to the number density of target site(s)
Normalise data to the populations of target site(s)
Normalise 1D data to spherical shell volumes
Store numerical reference parameters
Pick species molecules from anywhere inside a box
Pick species molecules near to other molecules
Pick species molecules from a specific region
Process a 1D histogram
Process a 2D histogram
Process a 3D histogram
Create a discretized global potential affecting all atoms
Remove molecules from a box
Apply simple restraint potentials to individual atoms
Rotate fragment sites about their local axes
Select a list of pre-defined sites on molecules
Create a simple, global potential affecting all atoms
Apply a size factor to a configuration
Sum 1D data over ranges
Set the temperature of the configuration
Transmute molecules in a selection into another species