C. Top-Level Roadmap
Broad Roadmap for Dissolve’s Development
The roadmap shown here is a top-level roadmap showing only the general “big feature” additions being considered / implemented. Input to this roadmap is largely driven by the project management committee.
Version 1.0
Under review
- Move to TOML for core input formats
Version 0.9
Released 24th May 2022
- Move to Qt6
Move to QtChart for graphing- Better look / feel in dark mode
- MPI / threading
- Non-crystalline porous systems
Version 0.8
Released 18th June 2021
- Accumulation of partialsets
- Calculation of Bragg scattering
- Multithreading support
- Bragg scattering
Version 0.7
Released 18th January 2021
- X-ray-weighted structure factor calculation
- Handling of X-ray data within the EPSR module